
In the book of Leviticus 19:2 (NABRE), the LORD commands Moses to say to the Israelites: “Be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy.” This passage raises the important question of what holiness means and what it looks like. The Hebrew word used in this passage, qadowsh, at its root means “set apart” or “separateness.”

Throughout the Old Testament, things that were holy were set aside or separated from other things. Some examples include the sabbath, a day set aside from other days; the temple, a space set apart for worship of God; and even as is commanded in this passage, the people themselves, a holy people set apart for God.

What do you think it looks like for a people to be set apart? How might we as Christians embody holiness in the world today?

related topics: consecration; holy; perfect; righteousness; sacred; set apart

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