
In the Gospel According to Luke 20:27–38 (NABRE), Jesus talks with the Sadducees about resurrection. In the Gospels, resurrection is an interesting term that is connected with eternal life but not synonymous with it. The Greek word for resurrection is ἀνάστασις (anastasis). This word literally means “standing up” and so also means …


In the Second Letter to the Thessalonians 1:11—2:2 (NABRE), Paul prays that God may make the Thessalonians worthy of their calling. This is quite a significant ask. In our society where we so often feed a sense of entitlement to whatever it is that we want, any sense of worthiness …

contend / compete

In the Second Letter to Timothy 4:7 (NABRE), Paul describes his work spreading the Gospel as an athletic contest or competition that is nearing its completion. This view of serving God may seem foreign to us at first. In a contest, there are winners and losers, a view that may …

inspired by God

In the Second Letter to Timothy 3:16 (NABRE), Paul emphasizes the importance of Scripture for growing in the spiritual life when he writes that “all Scripture is inspired by God.” This phrase, “inspired by God,” comes from a single Greek word, θεόπνευστος (theopneustos). This Greek word appears only in this one …


In the Gospel According to Luke 17:11–19 (NABRE), Jesus cleanses a group of lepers by sending them to present themselves to the priests. According to the law, this presentation was required to be pronounced clean again if one’s leprosy passed, and it was on their way there that these lepers …

faith (2)

In the first and second chapters of the Book of Habakkuk (NABRE), the prophet encourages faith among the people who feel that the LORD isn’t listening to their cry. The prophet urges patience and ultimately faith. We’ve previously examined the root and origin of the Greek word for faith at …


What is Hades? How does it differ from our Christian concept of hell? The Gospel According to Luke 16:19–31 (NABRE) contains the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. The action takes place in the underworld, though the image used for the underworld here is noticeably different from the Christian concept …


The Gospel According to Luke 16:13 (NABRE) contains Jesus’ familiar statement: “You cannot serve both God and mammon.” Within the context of the passage, it’s clear that mammon here concerns wealth, but something unusual is also going on with this term that explains why translators don’t frequently translate it into …


In the first chapter of his First Letter of Paul to Timothy (NABRE), Paul describes how he was a blasphemer and a sinner and how God treated him mercifully—emphasizing the great mercy of God and our tremendous need before him. The Greek word ἔλεος (eleos), “pity” or mercy, suggests kindness …

breath & life

In the fourteenth chapter in the Gospel According to Luke (NABRE), Jesus urges that to follow him, we must hate our fathers, mothers, wives, children, brothers, sisters, and even our selves. This view of hating ourselves is potentially difficult to understand and worth unpacking a bit. The Greek word here …