
In the fourteenth chapter in the Gospel According to Luke (NABRE), Jesus calls his followers to humility. Critical to growth in the spiritual life, humility also is an easily misunderstood concept. In this parable, Jesus explains humility as a function of status. The Greek word translated as humility, ταπεινόω (tapeinoo), literally …


The twelfth chapter in the Letter to the Hebrews (NABRE) reminds us that God disciplines or chastises his followers. It’s easy to read into this translation a connotation of punishment, though the Greek text presents an entirely different picture of discipline and suggests a warmer characterization of God’s corrective actions. …

witness & testimony

As we reflect on the cost and conflict that comes with proclaiming the word of God, the Letter to the Hebrews 12:1 (NABRE) reminds us that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Within the context of Christianity, bearing witness came to have a special sense, and the …

faith & hope

In the eleventh chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews (NABRE), we encounter a familiar statement about faith that is often cited as a definition: “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” This statement offers significant insight into faith and its relationship …


“Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!” We encounter this well-known passage in the Book of Ecclesiastes (NABRE). In this passage, the author relates to all of life as vanity, a concept that many have found very relatable over time. While we intuitively have a sense of what this passage …


In this week’s liturgy, the readings focus on Jesus teaching his disciples about prayer. In the Gospel According to Luke 11:1–13 (NABRE), Jesus has been discussing mistakes people make when they pray. As a remedy, Jesus offers the Lord’s Prayer, which Catholics often refer to as the “Our Father.” What …


Being anxious is something everyone experiences now and then. In the Gospel According to Luke 10:38-42 (NABRE), Jesus chastises Martha for having many cares or anxieties, a condition many in our world today can relate to. What exactly is it about Martha’s behavior that Jesus sees as less than ideal? …


Who is your neighbor? The setup to the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel According to Luke 10:25–29 (NABRE) presents an interesting linguistic anomaly that arises between the Hebrew Old Testament and the first Greek translation of it, the Septuagint. Jesus and a scholar of the law are discussing …


In the tenth chapter of the Gospel According to Luke (NABRE), Jesus sends out 72 disciples to deliver a message of peace. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, the concept of peace is used in a variety of ways and has many meanings—ranging from the absence of war to harmony between neighbors …

spirit & flesh

The fifth chapter of the Letter to the Galatians (NABRE) focuses on spirit and flesh. We see there a clear contrast between living in the spirit and living in the flesh, with the strong suggestion that the two are mutually exclusive. What makes these two things opposed, and what is …