what is it to me & to you?

The Gospel According to John 2:1–11 (NABRE) features the wedding at Cana and an odd exchange between Jesus and his mother. In this exchange, Mary comes to Jesus with a problem, Jesus seems to be dismissive of her concern, and then ultimately he does what she asks with no further …


As we celebrate the baptism of Jesus by John we reflect on the word baptism, which comes from the Greek word βαπτίζω (baptizo) and means “dip” or “plunge.” Baptism as it’s usually mentioned in the Bible is a dipping or submerging of the person being baptized into water. John’s baptism …


Epiphany occurs as a part of the Church’s celebration of the Christmas season. During this solemnity, we contemplate the three magi coming to Jesus and, by extension, the manifestation of God in human form to the Gentiles. The concept of Epiphany, however, has a broader meaning, and there is perhaps …


The Letter of Paul to the Colossians 3:12 (NABRE) describes a number of traits Christians should endeavor to adopt in terms of getting dressed in them. Paul describes the process this way: “Put on, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” In many …

Happy Christmas

In recent years, there’s been considerable controversy over the vocabulary we as practicing Christians should use during this season. Should we say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” or, more confusingly, go with the British Happy Christmas? The concern over our seasonal greeting is well-intended. In the midst of an ever …


In the Letter to the Philippians 4:6 (NABRE), Paul urges his readers to “have no anxiety,” a powerful statement, though this translation may not capture the full spirit of the original intent. Anxiety involves a fear response and bears much relationship to fear. In that context, this statement seems similar …


In the Gospel According to Luke 3:1–4 (NABRE) and the Gospel According to Matthew 3:1–12 (NABRE), Jesus’ cousin John preaches the importance of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. In the system of the Old Covenant, forgiveness occurred when something of value was traded in payment for a debt that …


The Book of Jeremiah 33:16 (NABRE) contains a promise of safety and security in the land. It often can seem to us as Christians that such security is impossible. The model of the early Church of suffering and martyrdom for Christ suggests anything but security, and yet this concept is …

son of man

The Book of Daniel 7:13 (NABRE) contains the significant phrase “one like a son of man” later adopted by Jesus in the Gospels to describe himself. Interestingly, this phrase is of Aramaic origin. The Book of Daniel is one of the later writings of the Old Testament with some sections …

consecrated / perfected

The Letter to the Hebrews 10:14 (NABRE) contains an important description of Jesus’ priesthood: “For by one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated.” There’s a fascinating view of the difference between perfection and consecration as well as an interesting breakdown of the timing of each. …