
What is a Gentile? During the Easter season, readings from Acts of the Apostles focus on spreading the good news to all peoples. One of the central questions faced by the early Church was how to handle Gentiles or non-Jews. The word Gentile comes from Latin gentilis, an adjective meaning “belonging to the …


In this column, we occasionally refer to the Septuagint, the commonly accepted translation of the Old Testament into Greek. Its name comes from the Latin word meaning “seventy”; it’s commonly abbreviated LXX, the Roman numeral for 70. The Septuagint takes its name from the legend surrounding its origin. The legend …

order & chaos

The book of Genesis begins with an account of the Creation of the world that contains many significant theological realities upon which the Christian notion of salvation is built—including the relationship between order and chaos. This important foundation is highlighted by the author of the Gospel According to John, who …


What is the biblical meaning of the word condemn? In the liturgical readings this week, the scribes and Pharisees bring to Jesus a woman caught in the act of adultery as a means of testing him. In the Gospel According to John 8:5 (NABRE), they pose their question: “Now in the law, …


In a vision described in the Book of Isaiah 6:3 (NABRE), the prophet encounters God and then is sent to prophesy to the people. Attending God’s throne are seraphim who cry out “Holy, holy, holy.” When we hear of seraphim now, we think of angels, but what exactly is the …


In the Old Testament, vengeance is a common theme, but one that often is viewed negatively in the Christian world. In the Gospel According to Matthew 18:22 (NABRE), for example, Jesus urges his followers to forgive as much as seventy times seven, a suggestion that runs contrary to vengeful behavior. In …


One theme that frequently emerges in the Old Testament is that of a sojourn. In the books of Genesis and Exodus especially, we read about the patriarchs and the Israelites sojourning in the Promised Land. What exactly is a sojourn, and how is it relevant to the Church today? The …

jubilee pilgrimage

On the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 2015, the Church began celebrating a Holy Year of Mercy, also known as a Jubilee. During this time, many devout people emphasize the spiritual side of life by making a jubilee pilgrimage to a holy site. Jubilee years mark a …

right & left

At one point during Jesus’ ministry, the mother of James and John makes a power play, asking Jesus to allow her two sons to sit at Jesus’ right and left when his kingdom comes. You can read an account of this in the Gospel According to Matthew 20:20–28 (NABRE). In …


Did the Blessed Virgin Mary consider herself to be God’s slave or to be God’s servant? As we approach the Advent season, we’re reminded of the Blessed Virgin’s famous statement: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word” from the …