
What has led to several books of the Catholic Bible being referred to as the Apocrypha? Several inspirational and uplifting readings can be found in the Second Book of the Maccabees. These powerful readings, however, have not gotten the exposure that some other texts have received because many Christians consider …

left behind

When the liturgical year begins to wind down, we encounter a passage in which Jesus informs us that at the end some people will be taken and some will be left. This passage in the Gospel According to Luke 17:34–35 (NABRE) and similar passages have caused a great deal of …


The Gospel According to John 2:13–22 (NABRE) describes Jesus driving the money changers from the temple. Jesus’ followers see his actions and recall the passage from Psalm 69:10 (NABRE): “Zeal for your house has consumed me.” What is it about Jesus’ behavior that caused his disciples to think of this …


Jesus talks about the judgment as a looming and unpleasant event in this week’s reading from the Gospel According to Luke 10:13–16 (NABRE). Because of other passages in the Scriptures, we can feel fairly confident that we understand this passage. With further analysis, however, it’s possible that we don’t have …


One of our readers submitted the following question: “In our Bible study group last evening, we had a discussion about the word favorite. Our discussion centered on the favorite son of Jacob, and what that word’s meaning was in the Hebrew culture compared to our culture today. What are the …

bishop & deacon

In the First Letter to Timothy 3:1–13 (NABRE), Paul describes the roles of bishop and deacon in the early Christian community. These roles have carried over from that time into our Church today, and so it is instructive to look at how they originally were viewed. The Greek word ἐπίσκοπος …


The nature of the sabbath is the focus of an argument between Jesus and some Pharisees in the Gospel According to Luke 6:1–5 (NABRE). The central controversy they are debating is whether it is lawful for Jesus’ disciples to pick grain on the sabbath. The Hebrew word that comes to …

exalt, exult & extol

Throughout Scripture, we see three similar-sounding words used to describe praise of God: exalt, exult, and extol. A reader has asked for a discussion about the roots of these three words and what it means to praise God. If you have questions you’d like to see addressed in Lost in Translation, …


Tabernacle, sometimes called the tent of meeting to describe where the Israelites worshiped the Lord, is one of the major focuses in the Old Testament book of Exodus. This tent was significant to the Israelites because that’s where God dwelt. The Hebrew word mishkan is used to refer to the tabernacle. It …

forgiveness in Matthew’s Gospel

The Gospel According to Matthew 9:1–8 (NABRE) centers on the topic of forgiveness. Jesus equates forgiving a paralytic’s sins and healing his paralysis. The English language uses forgiveness in a few contexts. We can pardon or exonerate someone who has wronged us, or we can excuse a loan or a debt. …