Bible study for one
Do you have a passion for Scripture but find that your life is too demanding to fit in regular group Bible study? Don’t fret. At Turning to God’s Word, we understand scheduling
difficulties. We offer these suggestions of ways that we’ve been able to engage in Scripture study on our own when it wasn’t feasible for us to join an existing group or to start a new one. Anyone interested in learning more about individual Bible study is welcome to read our online lesson study pages that accompany Turning to God’s Word Catholic Bible studies. You can participate as much or as little as you like. Visit TtGW studies, then click on the study that interests you and scroll until you find the lesson you want. If you have questions, an ask-us-your-question button is provided so that you can contact our authors.
Pray about your decision—Ask God to help you choose wisely.
Make a commitment to read your Bible—The most important ingredients for successful Scripture study are desire and perseverance, and these are not the exclusive domain of group studies. Anyone willing to set aside a regular time and place to read the Bible—even if it’s 3 a.m. on Tuesdays at your kitchen table—can connect with God’s Word in a meaningful way. Decide when, where, and how often you are going to study Scripture on your own. Be realistic about setting a schedule that you won’t have trouble following.
Choose a study designed to be used by individuals or groups—Review a copy of the textbook or look at a sample lesson online. Look for an engaging, reader-friendly format with questions that focus on the selected biblical text rather than on commentary. If a study carries an imprimatur and nihil obstat, those are your assurances that the textbook you’re considering has been reviewed by a Catholic bishop and censor librorum who’ve determined that the work is free of doctrinal or moral error.
Examine supplemental resources—Does the publisher of the Bible study you’re considering offer anything besides a textbook to help you? Are these extra resources free or do you need to pay to subscribe to them? Look for videos and other supplemental resources, including the option to ask questions and share comments.
Secure any needed materials—In addition to study guidelines and questions, you’ll need a Bible. Turning to God’s Word studies include references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, as well as links to several Catholic Bibles.
getting started
step 1: Sit down with your Bible and study guide, and pray for wisdom and understanding.
step 2: Read through the Scripture for the first lesson. Some people find it helpful to read the Scripture passages aloud, even when they’re studying alone.
step 3: Write down any questions of your own about the biblical text, and make note of any details that were new to you or different than you expected.
step 4: If there is a video to accompany the first lesson, watch it.
step 5: Read all of the study material related to the lesson, and answer the study questions. If you have difficulty with any of the questions, reread the related Scripture passages. It can be helpful to read them aloud.
step 6: If you’re still unclear about something in the questions or in the biblical text, read the supplemental commentary. If it doesn’t address your question, you may use the contact link to email the authors. They welcome questions and will respond as soon as possible.
step 7: Pray about what God is trying to say to you through Scripture. Review what you learned in the lesson and how it applies to your life.
step 8: Repeat the process with the next lesson.
we want to help
Don’t get bogged down because you’re studying Scripture by yourself. Turning to God’s Word is here to support you in your Bible study for one. Contact us to let us know what else we can do to encourage you.