Turning to God’s Word study groups
Des Moines, Iowa
On Saturday mornings, Christ the King parish hosts a study to discuss the weekend Mass readings. An additional long-standing study group meets on Wednesday nights in a private home to discuss the book of Genesis.
- The next meeting of the Saturday morning study at Christ the King will be at 9 a.m. on March 29 to discuss the weekend readings for the Fourth Sunday in Lent Year C. (Masses for the Fourth Sunday in Lent that feature the Second Scrutiny follow the readings for Year A, which can be found on the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops [USCCB]. Christ the King homilies at Masses for March 30, 2025, will follow the readings for Year C.) The Christ the King Bible study will not meet April 19 (Holy Saturday during the Easter Triduum).
- The next meeting of the private study group focusing on the book of Genesis will be Wednesday, April 2, 2025, to discuss Lesson 22 Joseph Is Sold into Slavery by His Brothers. This Bible study group will not meet the week of Holy Week (April 16) or April 30.
his free study meets at 9 a.m. on Saturdays at Christ the King Catholic Church, 5711 Southwest 9th Street, to discuss the weekend Mass readings. The study is led by Jennifer Phelps (left) with occasional appearances by Matthew Phelps (right). Drop-ins and interested participants, including lectors and members of other parishes, are welcome to join us. The name of the Pastoral Center is painted on the side of the building, which ts toward the back of the main parish parking lot. Enter through the door on the same side of the Pastoral Center. That door is automatically unlocked for our group between 8:45 and 9:15 a.m.
At our next meeting on Saturday, March 29, Scripture passages will cover Year C readings for Sunday, March 30, when the Church will celebrate the Third Sunday in Lent.
the Book of Joshua 5:9, 10–12
Psalm 94:2–7
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 5:17–21
the Gospel According to Luke 15:1–3, 11–32
The above readings for Year C link to the USCCB website. A link to those readings also is on the homepage of this website along with commentary by Matthew Phelps and a link to his most recent Lost in Translation, reconciliation. The readings for all of the Sunday Masses are in the lector workbook as well as on the USCCB website. This link is to a USCCB audio recording of the Year C readings for Sunday, March 30, 2025. Information on this page and on the Turning to God’s Word website homepage regularly updates on Mondays.
The following links are to paragraphs listed in the Index of Citations in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that cite passages from the Year C readings for Sunday, March 30, 2025. There are no Catechism paragraphs that directly cite the Book of Joshua 5:0, 10–12, or Psalm 94:2–7
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 5:17—paragraphs 1214, 1265
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 5:17–18—paragraph 1999
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 5:18—paragraphs 981, 1442, 1461
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 5:18–21—paragraph 2844
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 5:19—paragraphs 433, 620
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 5:20—paragraphs 859, 1424, 1442
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 5:21—paragraph 602
the Gospel According to Luke 15:1–2—paragraph 589
the Gospel According to Luke 15:11–24—paragraph 1439
the Gospel According to Luke 15:11–31—paragraph 1700
the Gospel According to Luke 15:11–32—paragraphs 545, 2839
the Gospel According to Luke 15:18—paragraphs 1423, 2795
the Gospel According to Luke 15:21—paragraph 2795
the Gospel According to Luke 15:23–32—paragraph 589
the Gospel According to Luke 15—paragraphs 1443, 1846
This Bible study group will not meet the week of Holy Week (April 16) or April 30. Following is a tentative schedule.
April 2, 2025—Lesson 22 Joseph Is Sold into Slavery by His Brothers
April 9, 2025—Lesson 23 Judah & Tamar; Joseph & Potiphar’s Wife
Lesson 24 Joseph Interprets Dreams
April 16, 2025—NO CLASS Holy Week
April 23, 2025—ZOOM ONLY Lesson 25 Joseph’s Brothers Travel to Egypt
April 30, 2025—NO CLASS
May 7, 2025—Lesson 26 Joseph Discloses His Identity to His Brothers
May 14, 2025—Lesson 27 Thus Israel Dwelt in Egypt
Lesson 28 Jacob’s Final Words to His Sons