our Catholic Bible studies about the Old Testament

Each Turning to God’s Word Catholic Bible study has been granted an imprimatur by the Most Reverend William M. Joensen, Ph.D., bishop of the Diocese of Des Moines, or by the Most Reverend Richard E. Pates, bishop emeritus. The following links will take you to the study directories. Our 2024 Bible study, which will be published in late summer, will be Sing a New Psalm: Communicating with God Through the Prayers of the Church—Volume II: Vigils, Day Prayer & Compline.

In the Beginning: The Book of Genesis
28 lessons about the book of Genesis

You Shall Have No Other Gods: The Book of Exodus
28 lessons about the book of Exodus

The United Kingdom of Israel:
Saul, David & Solomon Foreshadow Christ the King
28 lessons about the reigns of Saul, David & Solomon based on the First and Second Books of Samuel and the First Book of the Kings

Thus Says the LORD:
God Speaks Through His Servants the Prophets—Volume I: A Kingdom Divided
28 lesson about the biblical prophets active before the Babylonian Exile using the First and Second Books of the Kings to build an historical framework

Thus Says the LORD:
God Speaks Through His Servants the Prophets—Volume II: Restoration & Redemption
23 lesson about the biblical prophets from the Babylonian Exile through John the Baptist and John of Patmos in the New Testament. The first 19 lessons are based on the Old Testament.

Sing a New Psalm:
Communicating with God Through the Prayers of the Church—Volume I: Lauds & Vespers
28 lessons on The Abbey Psalms and Canticles prayed during Lauds and Vespers