Thus Says the LORD:
God Speaks Through
His Servants the Prophets
Volume I: A Kingdom Divided
Thus Says the LORD: God Speaks Through His Servants the Prophets—Volume I: A Kingdom Divided examines the biblical prophets in their historical context, beginning with the call of Samuel. The first 28-lesson volume of this Catholic Bible study from Turning to God’s Word has been granted an imprimatur from the Most Reverend Richard E. Pates, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Des Moines. Written by Jennifer McGaw Phelps and Matthew Phelps, Volume I: A Kingdom Divided uses the First and Second Books of the Kings to establish a temporal foundation based on circumstances in Judah and Israel after the death of Solomon. It follows the prophets who were vigorously involved in political and spiritual activity in both
kingdoms before the final wave of the Babylonian Captivity in 587–586 BC. Volume II: Restoration & Redemption provides an in-depth look at the post-exilic prophets. It has been granted an imprimatur from the Most Reverend William M. Joensen, Ph.D., bishop of the Diocese of Des Moines. The study builds a framework for understanding the roles of priests, prophets, and kings in the Old Testament. Thus Says the LORD: God Speaks Through His Servants the Prophets—Volume I: A Kingdom Divided is available from our website shop.
Check out our online study pages for additional commentary and related videos for each lesson. Our online glossary for Thus Says the LORD—Volume I: A Kingdom Divided lists every proper noun included in the biblical text for the first volume. Another online page links to cross references in the primary biblical text in the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE).
The glossary and cross references can be accessed at the top of every online study page for Thus Says the LORD: God Speaks Through His Servants the Prophets—Volume I: A Kingdom Divided.
Following is a list of all the lessons in Thus Says the LORD: God Speaks Through His Servants the Prophets—Volume I: A Kingdom Divided, each linked to its related online study page and video.
Lesson 1 The LORD Announces He Is About To Do a New Thing*
Lesson 2 Nathan Delivers Good & Bad News
Lesson 3 Ahijah Foretells the End of the United Kingdom
Lesson 4 Jeroboam Turns from the LORD
Lesson 5 Judah Also Sins Against the LORD
Lesson 6 Elijah & the Widow of Zarephath
Lesson 7 Elijah Triumphs over the Prophets of Baal
Lesson 8 Ahab Humbles Himself Before the LORD
Lesson 9 Ahab Dies in Battle
Lesson 10 Elijah’s Fiery Departure
Lesson 11 Elisha Performs Miracles
Lesson 12 The LORD Thwarts Syrian Attacks
Lesson 13 Hazael Becomes King of Syria
Lesson 14 Jezebel’s Violent Death
Lesson 15 Jehu Avenges the Deaths of the Prophets
Lesson 16 Joash Repairs the Temple
Lesson 17 The Death of Elisha
Lesson 18 Amos Foretells Doom for Israel
Lesson 19 Hosea’s Vision of God’s Covenant
Lesson 20 Isaiah Foresees Immanuel’s Birth
Lesson 21 Israel’s Sins Lead to Deportation
Lesson 22 What Does the LORD Require?
Lesson 23 Hezekiah Consults Isaiah
Lesson 24 Manasseh Reigns in Judah
Lesson 25 Hilkiah Finds the Book of the Law
Lesson 26 Josiah Institutes Reforms
Lesson 27 Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet
Lesson 28 The Fall of Jerusalem
*includes a sample lesson
check out all of our in-depth Catholic Bible studies
- In the Beginning: The Book of Genesis (2016; 2024 revision)—a study of the first book of the Old Testament. Read the online study page and link to a video related to Lesson 1: And God Said, ‘Let There Be Light.’
- You Shall Have No Other Gods: The Book of Exodus (2023)—an extensive look at how the second book of the Old Testament prefigures Christianity. Read the online study page and link to a video related to Lesson 1: The More the People Are Oppressed, the More They Multiply.
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ: The Faithful Witness (2022 revision)—an expanded study of the final book of the New Testament, including illustrations of images appearing throughout the biblical text, as well as relevant maps and an online glossary. Read the online study page and link to a video related to Lesson 1: The Ruler of Kings on Earth.
- Thus Says the LORD: God Speaks Through His Servants the Prophets—Volume II: Restoration & Redemption (2021) looks at biblical prophecy from the time of the Babylonian Exile through the book of Revelation. Read the online study page and link to a video related to Lesson 1: How the Divided Kingdom Came to an End.
- The Gospel According to John: An Encounter with Grace & Truth (2019 revision)—a study of the life of Jesus Christ presented in the Fourth Gospel. Read the online study page and link to a video related to Lesson 1: In the Beginning Was the Word.
- The United Kingdom of Israel: Saul, David & Solomon Foreshadow Christ the King (2017)—a study of the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon. Read the online study page and link to a video related to Lesson 1: God’s People Ask for a King. The print version of this study is temporarily unavailable; contact us if you’re interested in purchasing a digital version.
- Sing a New Psalm: Communicating with God Through the Prayers of the Church—Volume I: Lauds & Vespers (2015)—a study of Psalms prayed for Lauds and Vespers using The Abbey Psalms and Canticles translation prepared by the Benedictine monks at Conception Abbey and published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Read the online study page related to Lesson 1 Set a Guard on My Mouth. No videos accompany this Bible study. The print version of this study is temporarily unavailable; contact us if you’re interested in purchasing a digital version. Sing a New Psalm: Communicating with God Through the Prayers of the Church—Volume II: Vigils, Day Prayer and Compline is scheduled for publication in late summer of 2025.
- The Letter to the Hebrews: An Explanation of the Mechanism of Our Salvation (2014 revision; digital only)—a study of the Letter to the Hebrews. Read the online study page and link to a video related to Lesson 1: Superior to Angels.
- Scripture & the Rosary: New Testament Mysteries, Old Testament Parallels (2012 revision; digital only)—a study of the biblical foundations of the Rosary in both the Old and New Testaments. This study has been converted to a digital version with the first six lessons available free year-round. The remaining 20 lessons, also free, alternate throughout the year based on the liturgical season (the Joyful Mysteries during Advent and the Christmas season, the Sorrowful Mysteries during Lent, the Glorious Mysteries during the Easter season, and the Luminous Mysteries during Ordinary Time). No videos accompany this Bible study, but the study directory includes links to online study pages for posted lessons.
- Jesus’ Passion: The Story of Redemptive Suffering (2014 revision; digital only)—an in-depth explanation of the biblical accounts of Jesus’ Passion, death, and Resurrection. This Catholic Bible study, which has been granted an imprimatur, is based on Scripture and designed to be used with or without the film The Passion of the Christ. A free digital version of Jesus’ Passion: The Story of Redemptive Suffering is posted each year during Lent, along with related online study pages. No videos accompany this Bible study.