our Catholic Bible study videos

A growing number of free online Bible study videos complement our full-length Catholic Bible studies. We hope that you’ll find our video overviews helpful, whether you’re watching to prepare for group discussion, because you had to miss a regular class, or to accompany your own solo online Bible study. Sing a New Psalm: Communicating with God Through the Prayers of the Church—Volume I: Lauds & Vespers doesn’t include videos, but you can watch a short video of the author discussing an overview of the Psalms; it’s linked on Lesson 1 of that study. Videos can be accessed by clicking on the lessons of your choice in the following study directories. The online study pages and video overviews for You Shall Have No Other Gods: The Book of Exodus have begun posting.

pray the Rosary
Scripture & the Rosary: New Testament Mysteries, Old Testament Parallels also doesn’t include video overviews, but we invite you to pray the Rosary with Turning to God’s Word co-founder Tami Palladino and her daughter Anne Marie. If you never learned the prayers or are uncertain about the correct order in which to pray them, you can watch Tami and Anne Marie’s how-to video to learn what’s most important about these powerful prayers. Clicking on the diagram (above right) will take you to our website page on How to Pray the Rosary where you’ll find all of the Rosary prayers.

from our summer retreats
We recommend the following videos to anyone serious about reading Scripture with the goal of developing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. These conferences were recorded at our summer Bible study retreats at Conception Abbey. The presenter is Turning to God’s Word author Matthew Phelps. Turning to God’s Word canceled our summer Bible study retreats during the pandemic. At this time we have no plans to resume them.

The Old Covenant and the Law of Death  (1:38:52—2018)

New Covenant and the Law of Life

Old Testament Liturgy in the Book of Revelation Part I

Old Testament Liturgy in the Book of Revelation Part II

Old Testament Liturgy in the Book of Revelation Part III

Biblical Foundations of the Priesthood Part I

Biblical Foundations of the Priesthood Part II

The Bible as the Living Word of God

… and we have a video about memorizing Scripture

The video Why Memorize Scripture? also is available. In it, Turning to God’s Word co-founder Tami Palladino discusses the benefits of committing Bible verses to heart.