
The similar liturgical celebrations of the Assumption and Ascension often cause confusion. The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary often is confused with the Ascension of Jesus. Looking at the two Latin concepts behind the two feasts provides clarity about the differences as well as insight into …

‘eat my flesh’

The sixth chapter in the Gospel According to John (NABRE) contains what sometimes is called the Bread of Life discourse. For centuries people have been debating what Jesus meant when he said to his followers: “Unless you eat my flesh ….” This passage contains an interesting tension on the topic …

‘I AM’

In the Gospel According to John 6:35 (NABRE), Jesus says: “I AM the bread of life.” Jesus uses one of a number of powerful statements in the Fourth Gospel that begin with “I AM.” These statements have a somewhat odd or unnecessary construction. The Greek ἐγώ εἰμι (ego eimi) is …

giving thanks

In the Gospel According to John 6:1–15 (NABRE), Jesus multiplies some loaves and fish. The text presents this as a tremendous sign and provides a lot of detail around the setting, but it is rather more sparse when it comes to the details surrounding the working of the miracle itself. …


“Woe” is a word that makes a frequent appearance in the Bible. In the twenty-third chapter in the Book of Jeremiah (NABRE), the LORD wishes woe on those misleading his people. In the twenty-third chapter of the Gospel According to Matthew (NABRE), Jesus repeatedly condemns the scribes and Pharisees, each …


In the sixth chapter in the Gospel According to Mark (NABRE), Jesus sends the Twelve out two-by-two after giving them authority over demons, and specific instructions about what to take and what not to take with them. The message they’re told to preach is one of repentance. This sending out …

strength / power / ability

The Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians and the Gospel According to Mark both address the concept of power, strength, or ability. While these concepts can seem separate in translation, a single Greek root connects power made perfect through weakness with Jesus’ inability to perform works. The Second Letter …


In the eighth chapter in the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians (NABRE), we encounter an especially difficult concept to nail down—grace. The text describes gracious acts of people and of God. The idea of grace is extremely broad in English. What do we mean when we describe an …

fear & awe

In the Gospel According to Mark 4:35–41 (NABRE), Jesus calms the sea. After having done so, he rebukes his followers for having been afraid. They respond to this event by being filled with fear or awe. There’s an interesting interplay in this passage between different types of fear responses that’s …

at home

In the fifth chapter in the Second Letter to the Corinthians (NABRE), Paul contrasts being at home in our body with being at home with the Lord. As we read this passage, it’s useful to bear in mind what Paul means by home in this context. While Ancient Greek has …